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Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Well it has been a very long time since ive wrote on here. I have alot of my mind... so i figured id just let it out on here for those that still are friends on my blog or any new people coming on it. Please dont bash anything that i have written if you decided to read my stuff. Im just a wife and mom of 3 and living in a hard world. Everyone had there issues and problems and Im just another one going threw it. But anyways...Thanks for reading! =)

Seeing its been awhile since ive written....alot has changed since then. Starting with the kids... Summer is in school. Its called "Transitional Kindergarten" aka TK. Its a new thing they are having now for kids that turn 5 years old after the school year starts for that year...it goes from like nov to about feb or april for those bdays. I dont know...its weird but it get Summer a head start in regular school. She was in pre k before that. I kinda wish she was still at that school (wintergardens elementry). I liked that teacher and she had a few friends there. But im sure she will like this class and make new friends. She is very out going when it comes to making friends. Oh BTW... She start this new school yesterday...so we are still trying to get things organized and in the new routine. I almost had a heart attack cuz on wednesdays they have the half day now and i forgot all about it but seeing this was the first week of school...they didnt have it but i freaked out realizing it was half day but then i remember not the first week. So i set my alarm on my phone...so i dont freak out again. I felt like a bad mom when i was freaking out cuz it was like 12:30 or some where around it and they get out at 12:05 on wednesday for half days. But i called Bryon and made sure and then i was ok. But yeah. That was fun. But other then that... when i did pick her up...it was my first time by myself cuz Bryon was off yesterday so i had some help. But I think I did pretty good. Got the baby carrier thing out and it was great. I was thinking of taking the stroller out but that thing is a pain and there so much dirt where we park...so thank goodness i bought that carrier. But i feel like I put the baby in it wrong or shes not comfortable but i dont know. I do the best i can with it. I always feel weird going to pick up Summer with the other moms there. I feel like they are watching me or judging me or like i have something on my face or something like that. I dont know. I really dont care what people think of me but i just dont like when people stare as your coming up. I know im weird but arent we all! =) But besides that. It went great. Summer loves school. Which is great. I just hope i can make it threw this whole school year. lol. We have started Summer's bedtime at 8:30 now instead of 9pm. But thinking of getting her to go to bed at 8 after while...so she get enough sleep. Just hoping i can get the baby on a routine as well...so i can go to bed at a good time. But we'll see! I forgot to write that before Summer which schools... She was in speech class and it helped her alot. We can understand her alot more and all that But im worried that she might have like ADD...so we are keeping an eye on that. Ok enough about Summer...lol I cant talk about her forever! Ill post more later about her! =)

About Alexis (aka Lexi)...Shes a little feisty thing. She will be 3 years old next month. Oh how time flies. She has been talking alot more and you can understand alot more of what she says which makes it more easier for me when she wants something. She is for sure going to be the one with all the boyfriends with her big blue eyes. Im hoping to maybe get her into pre-k next year...so that should be exciting. =) At times I think she is still a mama's girl but she for sure got her daddy wrapped around her little finger just like the other two. lol Right we are still working on potty training. She as it down but lately she has been pee and pooping in her underwear...so i dont know whats wrong. I thinking shes just wanting to be a rebel. But who knows.

Kaylee is our newest bundle of joy. Right now she is about a month and a half right now. So far...she has been so easy to take care of. She doesnt really cry unless shes hungry or need to be changed. Oh and sometimes when she is bored lol. But other then that...she is a good baby. She was easy at delivery as well. I was 37 or 38 weeks and it was a wednesday night when i was having contractions. I wasnt sure if they were the real ones cuz they kept going back and forth from 5 to 10 mins apart. but i was up until about 2am or somewhere around that and then woke up at 4am (I think) and I thought my water broke. But it wasnt. But before all of this...i had an appt saying i was 2 cm dilated and then when i went to the hospital when i thought my water broke...I was 6cm. So i guess it was real thing if i dilated that much in such little time. The only problem with her was her head was up...when i guess the baby has to be head down at delivery. But another doctor turn her around very quickly. I was just hoping my actual OB doctor was there but it was off on thursdays so i had an on call doctor which was a lady...which i was totally fine with. I prefer lady doctors anyways. But after i had her...I was balling my eyes out. I dont think i didnt that much when i had the other two. It was just probably cuz i was so happy to have her out finally and how big she was lol She was 9lbs 4oz and 21 1/2 inches long. She was my biggest yet! lol But I loved her to death. Now i just cant believe she is already a month old. She is always so happy. Love it!

I love my husband and my kids. They are my world. And nothing will change that.

Well Im sure there so much more i can talk about but Ill end it right here and hopefully write something tomorrow or at least in the next few days! So Peace Out! LOL!

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Hello again!
Not much is new! Mostly the same. The only thing is different is we got our tax return and got some thing paid off and bought a few things we probably dont need. Like the labtop. We are always fighting over the computer so we got a pretty cheap but good labtop. He got somethings for the computer to make it work better and he really wanted an xbox....so, we got it for a good price and he got me a game so i would say yes. but whatever hahaha! So some clothes for the girls. I only go them cuz i found something we the same clothes in both sizes. So they can match on some days! so i was very excited about that and even more cuz they were a good price. (got them at costco) Also i got Summer two pairs of shoes. One of them was sandles cuz she really needed something to wear with her dresses. I got a new pair of shoes but still needing to get work shoes really bad. Got me some clothes as well. We mostly got food and just ever day stuff that we havent got in a while. Now our frig is stuff with stuff which is nice for once. We are going to start our bankruptcy hopefully this week or next week. So that will be nice to get off our backs. Bryon put 500 in each of the girls savings to start them off which im every happy about. Things are mostly looking up for now. I just want to end up back where we were. Its really no fun!

Well enough about the money..... Summer has her high risk appt check up today (tuesday). I think this is the last one now that she two. She has improved alot since the last time. And then...the girls have there WIC appt...but it sucks cuz we have to sit threw a class again. I hate it. Ive been threw them before with Summer. I dont know why i have to do it again. Whatever. Maybe ill ask and see what they say! I really hope they give us more formula this time. Alexis eats so much and they only give us 2 cans a month. But with Summer they gave us like 6 to 8 cans. I dont know we'll have to see. Later that day, we are going to do our V-day date since i had to work on that actual day. So it will be nice and it wont be busy. Bryon is planning everything...so i have no idea whats going to happen. Cant wait.

Well with the girls... Nothing really has changed. Summer says a few more words then before. Alexis still loves to smile and talk to us. I sure do love it when she laughs! But so far right now she loves to watch snow white just like Summer does. She still whines alot. She is very demanding when it comes to food! hahaha! But other then that....shes a very happy baby! Summer finally sleeps in her big girl bed. But now that she likes it...during the day...she seems to know when she's tired cuz she get in bed and fall sleep. which is nice. I dont make her go to bed unless she really needs one. They are getting so big. Alexis just turned 4 months on Saturday. :)

Sorry my hand is starting to hurt...so ill write again soon!

Saturday, January 30, 2010

I guess its going to be once a month...

That i get to write on here. Well theres not much thats new Besides that Summer is 2 year old but i think i wrote that in the last one. And we had her birthday party on the 3rd of Jan. and it turned out pretty good! Was a little disappointed that some of the point that said would come and didnt. But whatever. Anyways...I also turned 25 on Jan 27th. Had a pretty good day. That night we had alittle party with some of my friends. IT was nice to hangout with them again. But i got alittle drunk and wasnt happy waking up at 4 in the morning and throwing up. But it was all good. Its been about 2 years since i actually got to drink that much. And i probably wont do it again for another year or so. And it fine by me. Its really not my thing. I would rather spend my money shopping or going to disneyland or go on vacation. But yeah. It was good times. Right now we are waiting on ur tax return. Just filed it yesterday! We got a really good amount which is so great! We are going to use it to get our annual passes again. So when we dont have the money really to do much we can just use the gas for the trip up there. The girls will love it since they are still under three. I still got a year for Summer =) ! But yeah....Just have to take care of all our bills and we will be good! Most likely put 1,000 in the girls savings so we can get that started. So far this year has been rocky but when that return comes...we will be so good! Hopefully no more stress on me with any of that. Just worried about our jobs. My work is remodeling and not sure how with all the hours cut and even mine. But whatever. And every now and then Bryon's work keeps talking about closing his work. But who knows what will happen. Im still trying to look for another job but theres really no one that will hire. Which sucks. But im still kinda trying. But just waiting for all this stuff to get better in the world. Enough about the worries even tho i have so much more....

Well Alexis is getting so big. She is still a whiner hahaha. She loves to eat still. But i think i havent posted this yet but... she is teething now. So that has been hell. But she love to smile and laugh and talk in her baby talk. ITs so great. She still loves to be held all the time which isnt so good. But whatcha gonna do. She had been standing more and her little legs are getting stronger. I finally put her in that Johnny jumper thing...and she seem to like in for the first 5 to 10 minutes. Right now im looking into get her a jumperoo or whatever they are called. I think she's love that. She also loves watching tv if i havent said that before. Oh and for sure she loves her swing now. Im so happy she does since her bouncy chair doesnt work anymore. We mostly use it for feedings. But yeah....she still sleeps threw the night which is great. But other them that...shes just a growing baby.

With Summer....OMG (oh my gosh) she is such a handle full. Just in the last few days she started using her chairs and table and standing on them. oh does it make me mad. But she doesnt get it. Eh! I dont know what im going to do with her. Right now everything is about ELMO. She says it all the time. She had like 3 DVD's of him a stuffed elmo and toy elmo (i dont know what they are called) and two books of elmo that she takes around the apartment. She has been saying mama more which im very happy about. She says so much more now. She learning more sentences. She loves to wash her hands and brush her teeth. I dont know why. But i guess it good. I think so just like to climb on her potty cuz its a stool at well and she see herself in the mirror. She for sure love her baby sister. She talks to her in her language and Alexis just smiles back. Its cute. They are just getting bigger and bigger every day.

Well thats all for now. Ill write again soon!

Thursday, December 31, 2009

Long time since i wrote on here. Right now everyone sick beside Bryon. Hoping he doesnt. The girls are getting bigger! Summer turned 2 yesterday! Tried to take her our for alittle bit just cuz it was her birthday and i wanted her to have alittle fun even tho she was sick. She doesnt act like she is but in the end you can tell. Summer is really get your speaking down. And you can tell sometimes what she want or whatever. She still babbles alot! We have been trying to potty train her. So far she's only peed in the potty once and it was only a few drops which is still a big step. But since then we've still tried but nothing and kinda leaved it alone and havent really tried. Summer has come to like elmo now but still loves minnie and mickey. Im sure theres other stuff she's done that new but right now i just cant think of it! I blame the sickness.

With Alexis... She's for sure gotta bigger. She loves to smile, laugh and coo. I love how she get excited with some stuff. She is still rolling over but now she is trying to roll over from her back to her belly and she's pretty much got it...its just the arm thats in the way. And she not even 3 months yet! Sometimes she actually looks like shes want to get up and crawl. At one point i thought she was. I dont know if i wrote this in the last one but she sleeps threw the night mostly. But she still whines alot and still eat alot or as it seems. She loves to look at everything around her when we're out and she seems to like to watch tv too. Shes starting to like her swing now....which is great! She for sure loves her big sister. She ways smiles at her and Summer always talks to her and helps out when she can. They really do love either.

Christmas just passed and they got some good stuff. Summer made out on alot. So she has alot she can play with now. Alexis mostly got clothes which is great! Cuz she needs more winter clothes. She got alot of cute clothes. Me and Bryon got two gift cards which is great. Since we dont have the money to go out on dates. We've been trying to take each other out every paycheck if we can....to get our relationship back in order. And its been nice. Cant wait til our next one!

Our family doing good for the most part.Still worried about the money but tax return will be here soon enough and we can get back on track. And also hoping to get our annual passes for disneyland before we have to pay for Summer to get in. Which will be nice cuz we will be using that alot! Its mostly alittle present for all of us. I think we deserve it cuz of all the stuff we've been threw that last year. And summer will love it even more now that shes a year older. Lexi wont as much but its ok....she will when she gets alittle older. By the time we go Lexi will be 4 or 5 months and she will be able to go on most of the little kids rides...which will be great!

Just doing our best and trying to keep our kids happy and healthy! Well I hope everyone that reads this had a good christmas and has a wonderful New Year!

Monday, December 7, 2009

They are getting so big!

Oh so much as gone on in the last few months. Thanksgiving did go as planned as i like but thats what happens when you have two kids. But Summer got to swing on the big girl swing at my sisters. I was worried she would fall but she did pretty good. That friday (black friday) Me and Bryon actually went on our first date in a long while and that was so wonderful. Everything just went so great. Until the end when we decided to go to target to get a tree cuz they had them for a good price but something happened with the bank and etc. But luckily the next day they still have some and we got the tree then and we decorated it that Saturday or Sunday. Summer was pretty much helping us. It was cute! Then the next day we did the outside lights which looks cool. Summer loved looking at them and still do. Since then I've been trying to think and write down what we are doing her her birthday and i think now we have everything written down that we are doing. We did go to party city to get some stuff and a few days ago, we went to albertsons and found the cake we want to get. But we have to go over there so see if they actually have the stuff for the cake. The theme this year is going to me Minnie mouse! She's going to love it. Im just hoping that i wont rain. If not, our apartment is going to be cramped. But it will work out some how. we also went to the 99cent store and got a few simple toys that i knew summer would like for christmas and when we actually get money we will buy the other toys or whatever. Still have to think of what to get Alexis. I might just get clothes since she doesnt have much winter clothes since summer was born at the end of winter we didnt need the clothes or she didnt fit in them yet. Im sure we'll think of something. I just wish it was done and over with so i dont have to stress over it anymore.

I will be going back to work in a few weeks. Its going to suck but i gotta do it. I just dont want to work those late nights. And then having to come home and have the baby still awake or whatever. Well if its like it is now then she might be asleep. But i have been luck and Alexis will sleep threw the night most nights. So its nice. Last night we took the girls to see christmas lights but of course Summer love them and Alexis was whining the whole time until the end when she finally fell asleep. Oh well, atleast i got a pictures on my phone since i forgot my camera. Summer is going to be fun this christmas and with everything. And i really cant wait until her birthday. Why does all the excitement have to be at the end of the year? See theres Alexis birthday and halloween and then thanksgiving and christmas and then Summer's birthday. Oh and if you want to count mine and Bryon's Anniversary in Sept. Theres nothing really in the rest of the year besides my birthday in Jan and then Easter and then the 4 of July. Well i guess it just gives us something to look forward too. Oh well!

Right now its poring like cats and dogs. It only rained one other time for one day and for not very long too in the last month. Since then we havent had anything. But its suppose to rain for the next few day i think. It will be nice but suck at the same time cuz we wont have anything to do unless we go to the mall or something but we really do have money which sucks. I really hope we get out of the money issue. Im so tired of not having money for anything. I just hoping we can get some more presents for christmas. Who knows. Im not going to get into all that. It will just stree me out even more. But we are trying the best we can. I just wish taxes return would hurry up and get here. Oh well!

But other then all that... we have just been staying at home or doing alot of stuff like going to the park or to the beach when its not so cold or rainy. Just anything really cheap or free. Just like this weekend...they are having this thing at the rodeo and kids eat free and we only pay $3 each and then the kids get to see santa and they give out gifts. So it should be fun! I forgot...yesterday we told out christmas pictures....as you can probably see on the blog picture. The only thing i wish was that Summer didnt acted up. we didnt get any pictures with just her. We got some of Alexis. Maybe we'll dress her up again and take some pictures when shes actually happy. It was around her nap time when we did them. we'll see. Anyways, Ive typed to much already. Ill write again soon! If i dont before christmas or new years...Happy Holidays and Happy New Year!

Thursday, November 19, 2009

A month later.....

Wow....its been awhile since ive wrote on here. Well things have settled down since the last time i wrote on here. But still crazy as always but ive managed it.

Alexis is a month and about a week now. I can tell she's getting bigger cuz she really doesnt fit into the newborn clothes anymore. She loves to eat all the time. And she has just started smiling more. This morning...she was in a very good mood cuz thats all she was doing is smiling but when i got the camera out...of course she stopped smiling. But ill catch her one of these times. With the breastfeeding....i kinda gave up on that. Im not really getting anything anymore which is sucks but good at the same time. My wic appointment is tomorrow and i might just get a pump and see if i can get my milk flowing again. If it doesnt work...im just going to giving it back next appointment. So we'll see on that. She seems to like being held too but its just so hard when my back has been hurting alot more lately. But i try my best on what i can do. Oh, another thing on her feeding.... last week or the week before that...she would throw up alot and it would worry me. But we changed her to this other formula...i think its more sensitive to the stomach and it seems to work cuz she hasnt since...well after as i know anyway. Im just hoping wic has that formula. But another then that...she been a good baby. She's been sleeping pretty good during the night. Most nights i only wake up like two times to feed her. So thats nice.

Well with Summer...she's been a different story. She's good with her sister. She gives her kisses and when Alexis is in her chair and her binky falls out she tries to put it back in her mouth. She kinda has been more of a helper with somethings. But on the other side...she acts up more. She is really testing us on everything. I have been so much better on handling it all unless i hadnt had any sleep the night before then im at the point i want to shoot myself. But she's getting so big as well. She's kinda saying more words and trying to show us more on what she wants. We just started taking her to the park thats just down the street from us...and its gated in which is great. But today wasnt a good day for her at the park. I dont know what it was but she just kept getting hurt. And then this stupid boy hit Summer with the swing and he knew what he was doing. I was ready to hurt him. And it was the challenge of holding Alexis and comforting Summer...luckily my friend was there with her little one and she held the baby for me so i could comfort Summer. Oh it was just a mess! Now that im thinking about it....i still want to hurt him for doing that. I know kids are just being kids...but why would he do that...knowing she was there. I want to know what went threw his head. Grrrr....! Oh well. But anyways. She has two favorite stuffed animals...well its actually Minnie Mouse and Jimmy cricket. She plays with them all the time. Most of the time she takes one with her if we go somewhere. Its cute. She still loves to get in your face and talk your ear off. We still havent got her in her big girl bed. We havent really tried since the baby came. I know we probably really need to but its so time consuming! Just like potty training. We still havent done that either. I realize why Summer kept leaking threw her diaper....well kinda i guess....We need to get her size 4 now. The threes are just to small even tho the weight on the box says i think 28lbs. Who knows. She still doesnt listen when we tell her no or do get into that etc. Still working on that. Still going crazy haha! But other then that...she doing great.

Sorry i had to stop this last night....so its the next day (friday). We went to my WIC appointment. Summer is 26lbs and 34 1/2 inches long! And Alexis is 9 1/2 lbs. I really thought boht girls would of had more weight. But its ok. But Summer seem to have fun at the app. Good thing there wasnt anyone really. Cuz she was running all around...well Bryon was chasing her too. It was even more better cuz Summer got to go on the big girl scale when she was getting weighted and did the big girl height thing. And she did so good! I was surprised. She is getting so big...i somethings cant believe it when i actually think about it. I will almost have a 2 year old. Soon she'll be 3 then 4 then 5 and before we know it she'll be 18 and about to go to college and all that. Oh boy, how time flights. And theres little Alexis. Im just wondering how she'll be when she alittle older. Oh Last night, Alexis let me sleep for i think 6 hours. It was nice. I did end up waking up a few times but she was still sleeping. Still kinda working on the breatfeeding. Im pretty much up to nothing now...so it kinda sucks. But i still give her whenever i can get out. I really need to start thinking about Summer's birthday party. I have a list of people i want to bring and what cake im getting...I just need to figure out food, place, and decorations and present! I just hope we can get the money for it. Im sure we'll think of something.

This month has gone so fast. Its almost thanksgiving. And soon it will be christmas. Hey at least i dont have to work black friday this year! Very happy about that. And half of the christmas season. But im just worried about after christmas and the hours that they;ll be giving us. I know its going to drop down to probably nothing. Thats why im still trying to get another job. I applied at Barona again but i know they will probably not call me back. Theres just so much stress with alot of things...its like controlling me and my moods. With that and money...it just a big long story. And i just dont know what to do or how to handle it. Im trying to not let me girls see it or even feel the best i can. Bryon says it should be better in the next few weeks but honestly...its hard to believe...which everything we go threw and have gone threw. Id like to say i cant wait until tax return comes but i have a feeling its just all going to be a waste like we do every year. I dont know. Hoping some kinda miracle will come soon. But enough of that...cuz im just get even more depressed.

Well im going to go lay down before Alexis wakes up...so hoping i wont wait this long to write on here again. But ill do my best! See ya!

Oh.... Halloween.....Its was great. Alexis was mostly asleep the whole time and Summer was having fun! She pretty much knew what to do and sometimes said trick or treat and thank you. It was cute. That was a fun night!




Wednesday, October 28, 2009

The adventure has begun!

Things have been interesting lately now that i have two girls. I forgot how much clothes a baby goes threw within a week and how hard it is to get up at night. But ive gotten use to it. Luckily i got a great hubby and stays up for awhile at night and feeds her a few times before he goes to bed. He always plays his computer game anyways. Also i just started getting use to the fact that im not prego anymore and i can actually wear my normal clothes which im very happy about. Well kinda...I cant wear the jeans i have for some reason yet...so im going to have to buy some. I got some of the place cleaned and i was going threw my closet and got all the prego clothes out. It was kinda sad....cuz i dont think ill ever wear them again since we are pretty much done having kids. Two is hard enough. But anyways....Im just still trying to get use to this breastfeeding stuff. Im like thinking that all the milk will just go away like last time but its still coming but im worried that she's not getting enough. I still dont know. We do give her formula but i really dont want to or atleast not during the day. But she eats all the time so my milk doesnt come in quick enough. I think shes gettin use to the bottle and she's not wanting the breast as much. But im sure trying. With Summer....i think she acting out more and she gets more attached to me....even more when i hold the baby when she's being feed. Im just doing my best to make time to spend with both of them.

Sorry Im just alittle tired so I lost what stuff i was going to write. Well this weekend is halloween and i cant wait to take the girls out trick or treating. Or atleast Summer. Im not sure what we are planning on doing but we might go to the mall cuz some of the stores there hand out candy. I know my store does. And then go to a friends place and walk around there. So it should be fun! Cant wait to dress them both up. I just need to get one thing for Summer's outfit and then she will be set!

Sorry i have to cut this short...Summer is getting into things! Until next time!